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Wedding illustration for Johanna & Adriaan

Posted on 06-07-2018

Illustration for Thijs, Daniëlle, Saar and Rosie

Posted on 20-06-2018

Skip the straw | tiny stickers that help to reduce our straws

Posted on 10-05-2018

I’m very aware of the consequences a little straw causes to our environment. We only use them for a few minutes, but they stay on earth for hundreds of years. Most likely when you order a drink it comes with a straw, so often I end up using one. To remind ourselves and others, Dave and I made a tiny sticker thats helps to resist and change our habits to #skipthestraw. Free for download on www.story-hopper.com.

Tattoo illustration for Rob

Posted on 08-05-2018

Little invitation card for my parents birthday party

Posted on 18-04-2018

Wedding illustration for my friends Britt & Sander

Posted on 27-03-2018

Illustrations for the German Flow magazin

Posted on 15-03-2018

Illustrations for Nest magazine

Posted on 01-03-2018

For an article in the Belgian magazine Nest I made several illustrations about using chemical pesticides in the garden. Let’s go for the natural resources!

Webshop information

Posted on 14-02-2018

I’m going on a little holiday, so there will be no one in my studio to pack orders for the upcoming days. I will be back in my studio to send all orders to you on the 1st of March. If you prefer the package to arrive sooner you can also check my retailers in ‘contact‘, maybe there’s a shop close by!

Shinsegae loves Christmas

Posted on 09-01-2018

Last Christmas you might have seen my illustrations in or on the Korean department stores Shinsegae! They were everywhere; on the outside of the building, the elevators, the escalators, the wrapping-paper, the banners, the flags and the bags. My illustrations came alive in five Shinsegae stores as moving polar bear-robot that would say hello to you by waving their paws, actually sniffed their noses and blinked their eyes. They even made a stop-motion movie of all of my illustrated characters! You can find more information about the project *here*.