We ship worldwide

Half year adventure

Posted on 29-03-2016

The moment is finally there, tomorrow morning we (Dave and I) will leave the Netherlands to travel through Asia for the upcoming 6 months! The start of our trip will be at the Maldives and after that we will continue to discover this continent via India. We will be traveling to get inspired by all the wonderful things we will see, taste and smell, but also to get some work done. Working in a new and unknown environment often leads to new insights and we could both use some of that.

I would love to take you on our adventure and show you all the beautiful things we will experience. So once a month I will post a report on my website, with pictures, sketches and illustrations. Also I’ll try to upload a photo on Instagram as often as possible, so if you are curious for our adventures and like to see how we are doing, keep an eye on my website and Instagram.

When we are away a friend of mine will take care of the webshop. So you still will be able to use the webshop and packages will be shipped as usual.

See you soon from Asia!