New prints!
In my illustrations you might see what inspires me, like my vegetable garden, my dog, Ilva, and our kitchen. But in my new illustrations you see a side of me that I haven’t shown before. The first illustration is the gym. It was a place I hardly went until 3 years ago; I lost a lot of weight and wanted to be stronger. Losing that weight was a thing for me, I’ve been dieting since I was 12 years old and now I’m 30. So 18 years of dieting experience, reading books about body types, watching documentaries about sugar and everything I shouldn’t eat. I started to go many times a week, mostly very early in the morning before going to my studio. I’ve loved working out, but I’ve also learned you can go too hard, so I’m trying to put balance back into my life as well.
The second more personal inspired illustration is the climbing wall. Now you might think I’m all into sports, first illustrating a gym and now a climbing wall. But no, I’m not a climber. Koen is, we met almost 2 years ago and renovated a little house together. Beside the renovation he loves climbing, and I love him and the colorful stones. The pumpkin field and the ducks in the pond are two illustrations I’ve made before. Now you can find them together with the gym and climbing wall in my webshop! I hope you like them.