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Illustrations for the German Flow magazin | Unterwegs in Südtirol

Posted on 11-03-2019

Webshop information!

Posted on 20-02-2019

This weekend I’m going to Cape Town for 2 weeks to enjoy Designindaba and therefore I’m not able to send webshop orders till March 11th. If you would like to make an order, you can do this before Friday!

The Joy of Forest Bathing

Posted on 04-02-2019

For the first time I’ve illustrated a book! Which has been written by Melanie Choukas-Bradley and it’s called The Joy of Forest Bathing. The book is an introduction to forest bathing-or Shinrin-yoku in Japan, -the meditative practice of connecting with nature and disconnecting from the distractions of daily life. Forest bathing can produce mental, emotional, and physical health benefits. Melanie invites you to experience the benefits of this healing practice for yourself by learning the history and background of forest bathing, followed by detailed instructions for establishing a forest bathing practice in your own adopted wild home.



Winterwedding illustration for Lena and Pieter

Posted on 04-01-2019

Shinsegae loves Christmas

Posted on 13-12-2018

Like last year Puu villa and his friends are in and around the department store Shinsegae! You can see my illustrations inside the stores as moving bear-robots waving their paws, sniffing their noses, blinking their eyes, decorating the Christmas tree and riding the sledge together with his 3 friends. But also on the outside of the building, the elevators, the escalators, the wrapping-paper, the banners, the flags and the bags.


Workshop at La Galeria Roja

Posted on 05-12-2018

Last weekend was my first workshop and I had such a lovely and inspiring weekend with this group. Thanks you so much for your enthusiasm and La Galeria Roja for the hospitality!

Workshop in Sevilla and webshop information!

Posted on 28-11-2018

I’m going to Sevilla this weekend to do my first workshop and I’m so happy it’s at La Galería Roja. During this 3 day workshop I’m going to share my inspiration, show you my illustration techniques and help you try out yourself.

Because I’m staying in Sevilla for 3 more days to enjoy the city and sun, all webshop deliveries will be send on 7 December. If you prefer your order to arrive more quickly, you can take a look at my retailers list, maybe there’s a store close by.

Illustrations for Plus magazine

Posted on 07-11-2018

Family portrait for Angela

Posted on 21-10-2018

Illustration for Sarah Lawrence magazine

Posted on 11-09-2018