Our Asian adventure, part 2
Hi again! We’re already 10 weeks traveling and this is my second blogpost. Last month we left wonderful India and arrived in Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal. Before we went on this trip we didn’t figure out where we wanted to go, except to Asia. And when our good friend Luc said he was going to Nepal, we also booked a ticket and met him there. After a couple of days in the big city, we rented a motorbike and drove to Pokhara, into the mountains. Later we went further up to see the real big ones, the Himalayas. While driving for 5 hours and halfway up a mountain, we realised there was no gasoline station in the whole area, and we also had an empty tank. We hiked the rest of the trip up and before dark we arrived in a little village on top of the mountain, with a view over the Himalayas. It was incredible. The only two people who had some space left to sleep where the oldest from the village. We slept in their hut, with no electricity and in the dark she cooked Nepalees dal bhat for us. We met the nicest people and this experience was probably the most uncomfortable we had so far, but also the best. In the morning we woke up with a real beautiful view. You can watch Dave his little video about Nepal *here*.
After 2 weeks in Nepal we went to Kuala Lumpur and Penang, which they call the foodwahala of Malaysia. They where right, I think the only thing we did for 9 days was eating. When we arrived in Malaysia everyone told us how difficult it would be to eat vegetarian. Especially compared to India and Nepal. But it was quite easy, they just left away the meat and fish and the food was delicious! We had so many little meals a day, and since we arrived in Thailand 5 days ago I already miss their food. Although Thailand has some real good food as well, like the mango salad and the fruitjuices. I made a little sketch from all the food we eat this last 10 weeks, so I won’t forget. These last few days in Thailand were good, swimming in the beautiful sea (though I got bitten by a cubejellyfish) and we slept in a little wooden hut surrounded by cats. Next stop is Bangkok tomorrow morning and then up to the north of Thailand, where the nature is even more beautiful I heard.