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Intuition and masks

Posted on 01-07-2021

Last October I finished some projects in commission, and although I love to illustrate for clients, I sometimes feel the need to create things without any plan, sketch or reason. That’s why I looked for an other material then my normal paper and pencils and started working with wool and paper mache.

In the last few years, after graduating from the art academy, I’ve experienced that there is a difference for me when I’m creating through intuition or a thought out plan. You start somewhere and while creating you make all the decisions, based on your intuition. In my latest Youtube video I show you the process and explain how it works for me. Hope you like it!

The masks I’ve made since October are all published on my work page and for sale in my webshop.

House portraits

Posted on 21-06-2021

Flows sea landscape in a jar

Posted on 19-05-2021

In the latest Flow Magazine you can find my sea landscape, which you can make yourself in an old jam jar.


Pick up Limes plates

Posted on 11-05-2021

For my friends Sadia and Robin from Pick up Limes, I created plate illustrations for their new recipe website on www.pickuplimes.com. These plates with fruits, vegetables, grains and vegan proteins explain the plate method, a visual tool that helps to ensure your dietary needs. You can touch the images on the website to see how every recipe measures up.



Koloa campers

Posted on 12-04-2021

I am the lucky girl who has a boyfriend with a campervan. When we met he already owned a very old beautiful campervan and now he turned a normal van into a campervan himself.
This is the first campervan he rents out to go on adventures and you can check *his page* to see when it’s still available.

First Youtube video is live!

Posted on 05-04-2021

Last summer, talented video maker and my brother in law Joris Seghers filmed the illustration process while I was working on one of the projects for World Animal Protection.

Click on the picture below to watch the full video on Youtube and let us know what you think!

Love for Partij voor de Dieren

Posted on 15-03-2021

Webshop information! We are having a holiday from 2 till 18 January!

Posted on 30-12-2020

If you’re looking in my shop to purchase a print, postcards or bag, I can send out your package until the 2nd of January. We will be taking some time off until the 25th of January. ☼ If you place an order in the meantime, I will send your order as soon as I’m back in the studio, on the 18th of January.

When you prefer your order to arrive faster, you can have a look on my retailers list *here*, maybe there is a shop close by that sells the product you’re looking for.

I wish you a very happy, healthy and lovely New Year!

Frame ideas

Posted on 09-12-2020

If you are ready to frame an illustrations and looking for some inspiration, maybe these ideas will help you! In my webshop I sell prints in three different sizes: the small size is A4, the medium size is 29,5 x 37,5 cm, and the large size is 60 x 80 cm. It is very easy to find a frame for the small and large size prints as these sizes are standard. For the medium size, however, this can be a bit more challenging. The standard A3 size did not feel right for the illustrations that I made, so I adjusted the size. Because of this I am sometimes asked how to frame the medium sized prints in a nice way.

So here we go! I will give a few examples of ways to frame them, from cheaper to more expensive options.

You could frame the illustration in a slightly larger frame size and use a passe-partout, or stick it onto off-white paper. The frame I used for the photo is this one from IKEA (30 x 40 cm). I also love to shop at second hand stores and buy frames there, which gives me the possibility to work with different background papers and frame sizes. But a standard 30 x 40 cm frame works perfect as well.

The more expensive option is to ask a framer to create a custom made fitted frame. The Dutch website ‘De lijstenfabriek’ also offers frames in many different sizes. Sometimes a custom made frame by a local framer is just as expensive, depending on the material. When I go the framer I often choose for a metal (and therefore thinner) frame with a layer of wood veneer, but also love the natural wood frames.

Another option is to choose a frame with a glass front and backside, which is available in different sizes. There are many different brands who make glass frames, I bought the oakwood version from this website. 


I hope this information gives you some inspiration when looking for frames and maybe you can find more framing inspiration on my Instagram page.
All my medium size prints are now also available with in an ayous wood and glass frame with the size 31,5 x 39,5 cm.